The family systems work like a chain explain it with an example
Family relationships are very complex, and no two families are exactly alike. Despite these differences, some theories suggest that all families fall into the same model of the emotional system. This concept is referred to as the Family Systems Theory.
What Is Family Systems Theory?
Family systems theory is a concept of looking at the family as a cohesive emotional unit. According to the FST, family members are intensely emotionally connected. Psychiatrist Murray Bowen developed the family systems theory. In regards to the family systems theory, Dr. Bowen was described as "one of those rare human beings who had a genuinely new idea."
Family Systems Theory Definition
The family systems theory states that a family functions as a system wherein each member plays a specific role and must follow certain rules. Based on the roles within the system, people are expected to interact with and respond to one another in a certain way. Patterns develop within the system, and each member's behaviors impact the other members in predictable ways. Depending on the specific system, these behavioral patterns can lead to either balance or dysfunction of the system- or both, at various points in time.
Why Is Family Systems Theory Important?
According to Dr. Bowen's theory, even when people may feel they are disconnected from members of their family, the family still has a profound impact on their emotions and actions- whether positive or negative. And, a change in one person sparks a change in how other members of the family unit act and feel as well. Though the degree of interdependence can vary between different families, all families have some level of it among the members.