The festival of Diwali bring cheer to people but leaves the environment ailing with a huge cover of pollution over the city. Your classroom has undertaken a awarness campaign to save the environnment. Diffrent group of student have been arranged task to deal with diffrent aspects to issue. How ever same students in your group are not doing the task around to them. This is making your group bay behind.
You can either use the following discussion or develop your own taking ideas from it:
Student A: Hey how is your group doing in spreading Green-Diwali awareness?
Student B: To be honest, our group is facing many difficulties. Some of the students are not cooperating at all. They are not going to the homes of people to make them aware of the consequences of pollution caused during Diwali Celebrations.
Student A: Same story in our group also! Students are just doing it half-heartedly and reluctantly.
Student B: This cold attitude of the people, especially the younger generation is the root cause of all the problems in our country.
Student A: We must do our best in spreading the Green-Diwali awareness among people; we are sure to face challenges; however, we have to do it. Keeping the critical state of environment in mind, Diwali celebrations must undergo a drastic change.
Student B: I agree with you! Till present time, Diwali is synonymous with pollution creating practices, such as bursting crackers by millions of people; candles, etc. send tons of toxic smoke into the already polluted environment, which further degrades it.
Student A: We must tell the students to give their best in spreading this awareness among people. We need to tell them we are doing it for our own future and the coming generations.
Student B: We must reach out to as many people as we can. Do we need to talk to the Principal?
Student A: I think we will first talk to our class teacher to re-motivate the students who are taking the entire campaign as burden.
Student B: I am really enjoying going to people’s houses after the school. I have taken assurance of 200 houses concerning Green DIwali celebrations.
Student A: I too have taken the assurance of 250 houses. If all of us cover approximately 300 houses, imagine the number of people we will be able to contact.
Student B: If all the schools in India take this responsibility, I am sure we can spread this awareness among a large number of people. It will have far-reaching good effects on our environment.
Student A: Let’s go to our class-teacher and inform her to pep up the slow students.
Follow-up questions
What other things do you think you should consider when trying to solve this problem?
Answer: Whole hearted participation and passion for the cause is a must. Otherwise we won’t be able to sell our point of view to people. We also need to have very convincing presentations with us. Only then people will listen to us.
Do you think your (solution) will be effective enough? Why/Why not?
The solution will be effective. Once all the participants have been involved and made aware of the importance of the campaign they are undertaking, they will know how important it is to make the campaign successful.