English, asked by jellysrivastava55, 8 months ago

The festive season is round the corner and we are all ready to enjoy the season after months of lockdown . Write a letter to the editor of " The Times of India " in about 120 - 150 words , expressing your concern over the simple yet effective ways to prevent ourselves from the deadly virus .



Answered by mallu27




Refer to the editorial ‘Over to the CMs now’ (April 28); there appears to be a trust deficit between the Centre and states as only a few CMs attended the virtual meet of the PM with regard to the lifting of the lockdown and for evolving strategies to revive the economy of the country. The Centre must give funds to the states on equitable and need basis, otherwise, there will be political turmoil. The Punjab Chief Minister has repeatedly asked for previously pending GST share for the state, but nothing has come of it. Punjab is also effectively implementing the lockdown, despite the fact that wheat procurement operations are also to be kept in place.

Brij Bhushan Goyal, Ludhiana

Dual policy on charity

The Centre should not have a dual policy for charitable organisations in this hour of their need. The FCI has been ordered to supply wheat to the NGOs and charitable organisations at the open market rate of Rs 2,135 per quintal, but to the SGPC and the DSGMC at the PDS rate, i.e., Rs 200. On the one hand, the government wants that the NGOs should come forward to help the poor, and on the other, it discourages them by charging the market rate, that too when its godowns are overladen by 27% and the new wheat crop has already arrived. It should also publish the names of those providing grains, as well as the quantity of food stocks, at PDS rate, so that the poor are made aware that the food supplied to them is not alms, but a part of their money as contributors of society. During any disaster, the poor should not be made to feel that they are being given alms and their photographs should not be allowed on social or print media.

Kumud Ghai, Ludhiana

Use temple donations

All the big temples and shrines in the country have accumulated billions in cash and gold donated by the worshippers. It is not being used for any benefit for the general public that has donated it. The government must take over these enormous funds and use them for the welfare of the general public in the prevailing economic crisis. The best would be for the managements and trustees of these shrines to voluntarily surrender the funds immediately to the government. The country demands it and needs it.

Ashok Jain, Ambala City

DA freeze

The freezing of the DA of government employees to mitigate the economic strain is not appreciated. All employees and retirees are not handsomely paid. Class IV employees are bound to run their families with limited resources. After all, there are so many super rich people, political leaders, businessmen and religious organisations; they should be encouraged to contribute wholeheartedly in these challenging times.

Sukhdev Singh Minhas, by mail

Not fair to pensioners

The Haryana State Pensioners Samaj, affiliated to the All-India State Pensioners Federation, strongly condemns the decision of the Haryana government to freeze the DA of pensioners who are senior citizens and have no other source of income except pension. The government should have rewarded the corona warriors for their excellent duties instead of freezing the DA.

KL Nijhawan, by mail

Lapses in grain storage

Apropos the editorial ‘Food security in peril’ and crop losses due to rain (April 28), it is unfortunate that in both cases, we are responsible only due to our mismanagement and misdeeds. On the one hand, there are bumper crop yields every year, but lack of timely action regarding marketing, storage and proper distribution causes damage. Crops produced by farmers after putting in hard labour and efforts are wasted as they rot, or are eaten by rats, damaged in rains, or pilfered. Availability of grains in India is in abundance and certainly much more than needed, but only earnest efforts are missing, which is leading to hunger and starvation.

JS Jassal, Patiala

What use arms stockpile?

Looking at the sorry state of handling of the Covid crisis by the US administration, one feels pity for the plight of its citizens. Though every country has been affected by the pandemic, America’s picture is more dismal. We have grown up

listening to the stories of a country which is powerful in every sense, be it economy or military. Such a country should have a robust public health structure that could save lives should a virus like this present itself. It should have invested huge funds in medical research to develop vaccines to save people, instead of stockpiling arms and ammunitions, which at this juncture, are a piece of junk — unable to save a single American life.

Amit Kumar, by mail

Letters to the Editor, typed in double space, should not exceed the 200-word limit. These should be cogently written and can be sent by e-mail to: [email protected]

Grain storage platforms


Answered by veerjaiho12


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