Biology, asked by rocky671, 11 months ago

The first correlation below shows the relationship between types of cell division. Below that is a correlation showing the types of cells that each type of cell division produces. Finish the bottom correlation based on the type of cells produced. Mitosis: Meiosis Somatic cell:


Answered by Wafabhatt

The first correlation below shows the relationship between types of cell division. Below that is a correlation showing the types of cells that each type of cell division produces. Please find below the finished bottom correlation based on the type of cells produced;

Mitosis: Meiosis Somatic cell: Gamete cell

Answered by thewordlycreature

The first correlation below shows the relationship between types of cell division. Below that is a correlation showing the types of cells that each type of cell division produces. Finish the bottom correlation based on the type of cells produced. Mitosis: Meiosis Somatic cell: GAMETE CELL

Reason for the answer: Mitosis produce diploid cell. Meosis produce Haploid cell.

In somatic cell, mitosis occur. In gamete cell meiosis occours.

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