The first linenof the input consists of a string word 1 representing the first word, The second line consists representing the second word2 representing second word
The first linenof the input consists of a string word 1 representing the first word, The second line consists representing the second word2 representing second word
Answer: code is below of String containing first letter of every word in a given string with spaces
def firstLetterWord(str):
result = ""
# Traverse the string.
v = True
for i in range(len(str)):
# If it is space, set v as true.
if (str[i] == ' '):
v = True
# Else check if v is true or not.
# If true, copy character in output
# string and set v as false.
elif (str[i] != ' ' and v == True):
result += (str[i])
v = False
return result
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
str = "geeks for geeks"