The flag register of 8085 microprocessor contains the data 3CH. Interpret its meaning.
The flag register of the 8085 microprocessor contains the data 3CH then the sign flag will be reset.
In the 8085 microprocessor, there is an 8-bit flag register in which only five flag bits are used, and the rest three are unused.
Those five flags are the sign flag, zero flags, auxiliary carry flag, parity flag, and carry flag.
These flags are used to show the status of the results that we obtain after a mathematical or logical computation.
Also, all the flags have the same meanings as their names:
- Sign Flag: It is used to indicate a positive or negative result.
- Zero Flag: If the result is zero then it is set otherwise reset.
- Auxiliary Carry Flag: It is used in BCD addition.
- Parity Flag: It is set if the number of 1's in the result is odd else reset.
- Carry Flag: This indicates the carry and borrows after the computation.
sign flag - Answer in the accumulator is positive.
zero flag - Answer in the accumulator is not zero.
auxiliary carry flag - Auxiliary carry flag is set.
parity flag - even number of 1's in the accumulator.
carry flag - carry is not generated.