The following are organs of certain animals:
Para podia, Cnidoblast, Proboscis gland,
Comb plates
a)Select organ/organs of excretion.
b)Name the organism bearing the
organ/organs and write its phylum.
Balanoglossus - 6 Proboscis gland (It is a substrate feeder or benthoic feeder and has glomerulus or proboscis gland for excretion)
B. Leech - 2. Nephridia ( a coiled tubule like structure that opens to the exterior, for excretion and osmoregulation.)
C. Locust - 5. Malphigian tubule (A system of branching tubules that emerge out of the alimentary canal to absorb water, wastes etc from the haemolymph)
D.Liver fluke - 3. Flame cells (specialized cells that function similar to kidney for excretion of wastes)
E. Sea urchin - 4. Absent ( uses diffusion to get rid of Nitrogenous wastes from the body)
F. Pila - 1 Metanepridia (A system of ciliated tubules that pushes metabolic wastes, ions etc out of the body through nephridiopore)
So, the correct answer is 'A-6, B-2, C-5, D-3, E-4, F-1