The following circuit consists of 4 identical lamps connected to a 180 V battery. The lamps are controlled by three switches as shown below. Three instruments marked A1 , A2 and V are connected in the circuit to measure current and potential difference.
It is observed that when switch -1 and switch-3 are closed (switched on) and switch -2 is in open position; instrument A1 reads 15A. Based on the above observation; answer the following.
What is the resistance of each lamp?
Suppose switch-3 is open and switch-1 and switch-2 are closed. Find the reading of voltmeter (V1) and two ammeters (A1 and A2). What is the reading of A1 and A2 if switch-1 is open?
What is the reading of A2 when switch-2 is open and switch-1 and switch-3 are closed?
What is the energy consumed if all three switches are switched on for 30 minutes.

Answered by
the following circuit consists of 4 identical lamps connected to a 180Vbattery . The lamps are controlled by the three switches as shown below.Three instruments marked by A1, A2 and V are connected with circuit to measure current and potential difference.
It is observed that when switch-1 and switch -3 are closed (switched on) and switch-2 is in open position; instrument A1 reads15A . Based on the above observation;

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