Math, asked by pckarthi2020, 8 months ago

The following data gives the distribution of total monthly household expenditure of 200 families of a village. Find the median and modal monthly expenditure of the families. Also, find the mean monthly expenditure


Answered by sachinBTS


Hi there.. here's the answer for your question...

The class having maximum frequency is the modal class.

The maximum frequency is 40 and hence the modal class = 1500-2000

Lower limit (l) of modal class = 1500, class size (h) = 500

Frequency (

) of the modal class = 40 frequency (

) of class preceding the modal class = 24, frequency (

) of class succeeding the modal class = 33.

Thus, Mode of the data is Rs. 1847.82


Let the assumed mean be a = 2750 and h = 500


Number of


Class mark

1000-1500 24 1250 -1500 -3 -72

1500-2000 40 1750 -1000 -2 -80

2000-2500 33 2250 -500 -1 -33

2500-3000 28 2750 0 0 0

3000-3500 30 3250 500 1 30

3500-4000 22 3750 1000 2 44

4000-4500 16 4250 1500 3 48

4500-5000 7 4750 2000 4 28


= -35


Thus, Mean monthly expenditure is Rs. 2662.50

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