The following does not apply to cancer chemotherapy:
A Each treatment with a cytotoxic drug kills a constant number of malignant
B Drugs are generally used at maximum tolerated doses
C. The same regimen which is palliative for a large solid tumour may be curative
after surgical removal of the tumour
D Combination regimens using several drugs in succession are superior to
single drug used continuously
Anticancer therapy, especially in veterinary medicine, was based and still relies almost exclusively on surgical therapy, although associated therapy has developed over the past decades: surgery and/or chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy, with the development of cryotherapy, immunotherapy and in general, the adoption of techniques and methodologies used in human oncology.
The therapeutic strategy should take into consideration three indispensable elements:
– the histological nature of the lesion;
– the assessment of the extension of the tumor process;
– the evaluation of the general disease state.
The histological nature of the lesion should be known at least for the following reasons: not all tumors show the same sensitivity to chemotherapy or radiotherapy; antimitotic substances that possess an activity against some cell families and hematolymphopoietic organ tumors are not active against sarcomas; anticancer therapy should be capable of anticipating the probable evolution of the tumor process against which action should be taken [6].
Anticancer therapy should be evaluated for each individual patient, with all peculiarities involved. In this sense, therapy in neoplastic disease can be aimed at:
– curative treatment, which determines recovery;
– adjuvant treatment, which helps other complex therapies or prevents unfavorable evolution (recurrences, metastases) and participates at the same time in hopefully curative polytherapy;
– palliative treatment, which cannot be aimed at recovery but only an improvement in symptomatology and/or the prolongation of life.