Math, asked by poketmonster076, 13 days ago

The following frequency table shows the time taken by 50 students to complete a

mathematical assignment. Draw the histogram to represent data

Time (in min) Frequency

30-40 4

40-50 9

50-60 17

60-70 12

70-80 8​


Answered by shindesram1990

Step-by-step explanation:

3dd 3d 2r ehwfdgegmegmegmgmegmegjegjegjjeejegnmeegnegegegnegneegngnsgnsgsgnsgnsgnsgnsgnsggnegndgmegngn ecrcrc3d3dc3d3f3d d rc3f3f3r3f3f3defeeffcecrf3fefecececexdedeexexexedexexxee

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