The following passage has an error in each line. Find the error and write the correct word or words against the line. I don’t mean that some peoples are born clear headed _________ and is therefore natural writers, whereas others _________ are naturally fuzzy and will never wrote well. _________ Thinking clearly was a conscious act that writers _________ must forced on themselves, as if they were working _________ on any other project that requires logic: makes _________ shopping list or doing an algebra problems. _________ Good writing do not come naturally, _________ though most people seems to think it does. _________ Professional writer are constantly bearded by _________ people who say they’d like to "trying a little _________ writing sometime"—meaned when they _________ retire from their real profession. _________
The following passage has an error in each line. Find the error and write the correct word or words against the line. I don’t mean that some peoples are born clear-headed people and are is therefore natural writers, whereas others who are naturally fuzzy never wrote well. Fuzzy never wrote well. Thinking clearly is was a conscious act that writers is must forced on themselves, as if they are were working are on any other project that requires logic: to makes to make shopping list or doing an algebra problems. Good writing does not come naturally, although most people seems to think it does. seems Professional writers are constantly bearded supported by supported people who say they’d like to “trying a little try writing sometime” meanted when they retire from their real profession. meant
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