English, asked by ayush110405, 1 month ago

.The following passage has not been edited. There is a missing word in each line.You are to find the missing word and write it in the blank provided along with the words before and after it.(1/2×8=4)

Before Missing After

(a)When Gandhiji young, he used to ………… …………………. ……………………
(b)go school. He had no interest in ………… …………………. ……………………

(c)One day was cloudy ………… ………………. ………………….
(d)Due to the overcast conditions, couldn’t …………. ……………… ………………
(e)guess correct time and was late for …………… …………….. …………………
(f)his school. He was absent during exercise ……………. ………………… ……………
(g)and he was fined it. He explained the ………… ………………… ……………………
(h)reason the teacher, but he didn’t agree. ………… ……………….. ……………………


Answered by Nksystem


A chemical reaction is the process in which a new substances and new properties are formed

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1. path of truthfulness.... and nobility....

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