English, asked by rainuarjun, 3 months ago

The following passage has not been edited . There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and

the correction in your answersheet as given below against the correct blank number. 4 M

Incorrect Correct

When I reach America the first problem eg; reach reached

I faced is that of loneliness. American (a) ________ ________

students did not has any trouble in (b) ________ ________

making friends. Their were many Americans (c) ________ ________

having same or similar taste. A main (d) ________ ________

difficulty about a fresh Indian student (e) ________ ________

was that he cannot make small talk. (f) ________ ________

He was new to an American way of life. (g) ________ ________

In his first year in Harvard School I (h) ________ ________

faced this problem​


Answered by lovelytom1976


b) has, have

c)their, there

d) a, the

e)about, of

f)was, is


h) in,of

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