The following pseudocode is executed using the “Words” table. What will be the value of A at
the end of the execution? [6 Marks]
Sum = 0, SumT = 0
Count = 0, CountT = 0
while (Table 1 has more rows) {
Read the first row X in Table 1
Sum, Count = AddWord(X, Sum, Count)
Move X to Table 2
B = Sum / Count
Sum = 0, Count = 0, A = 0
Move all rows from Table 2 to Table 1
while (Table 1 has more rows) {
Read the first row X in Table 1
Sum, Count = AddWord(X, Sum, Count)
if (X.Word ends with a full stop) {
C = Sum / Count
A = DoSomething(C, B, A)
Sum = 0, Count = 0
Move X to Table 2
Procedure AddWord (Y, SumT, CountT)
SumT = SumT + Y.LetterCount
CountT = CountT + 1
return ([SumT, CountT])
End AddWord
Procedure DoSomething (P, Q, R)
if (P < Q) {
return (R + 1)
else {
return (R)
End DoSomething
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sorry bhai mujhe points chaiye isliye
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