Math, asked by hirasundas54, 7 months ago

the following related to the rice production 1000 tons from six different regions of pakistan.
test the equality of variance of there region at alpha=5persent and also find 95persent confidence interval for overall variance sigma and interpret the result?​


Answered by vivekbt42kvboy

Step-by-step explanation:

A brief description of various Rice Development Schemes implemented in the past is given below :

Special Rice Production Programme (SRPP)

On the basis of experience gained and constraints identified in different blocks during the implementation of the Pilot Project in 1984-85, a full fledged Centrally Sponsored “Special Rice Production Programme-SRPP” was started from 1985-86.The objective of the scheme was to bring the substantial increase in the productivity of low productivity areas. For implementation of the scheme, 1/5th of the total number of blocks in the States of Assam, Bihar, Eastern Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Eastern Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal were taken up. Before taking up the scheme, the block-wise plans were prepared and based on the needs of each block different programmes were taken up. As the constraints vary from block to block the programme of work across the block also vary. The programme was implemented in 420 selected blocks instead of 417 selected initially as the Govt. of West Bengal implemented the programme in 70 selected blocks. Under the scheme, programmes were taken up to improve the supply of inputs like quality seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, plant protection equipments, farm implements and technology, programme requiring short-term measures for taking up the other works for the improvement of the irrigation, drainage and development of infrastructure facilities were also included.

During 1986-87, the scheme was extended to 10 additional blocks of Assam State. State of Tripura was also included during 1988-89 and 9 blocks of the State were identified for the implementation of the scheme. In all, the SRPP was implemented in 439 blocks of the 7 Eastern States. The funding pattern under the scheme was 50:50 sharing basis between the Govt. of India and concerned State Government.

Special Foodgrains Production Programme (SFPP)-Rice

Consequent to the mid-term appraisal of the 7th Five Year Plan a Centrally Sponsored “Special Foodgrains Production Programme (SFPP)” was launched with a view to achieve the minimum food production of 166 million tonnes during 1988-89 and 175 million tonnes for the terminal year 1989-90 of the 7th Five Year Plan. For implementation of SFPP-Rice, 106 potential districts in 13 States i.e., 6 SRPP States – Assam (3), Bihar (13), Madhya Pradesh (11), Orissa (5), Uttar Pradesh (21), West Bengal (7) and other 7 States - Andhra Pradesh (8), Gujarat (4), Haryana (5), Karnataka (8), Maharashtra (7), Punjab (3) and Tamil Nadu (8) were identified. The implementation unit of the SFPP-Rice Programme was district and all the areas in the identified districts were covered for the implementation of the programme. SFPP was 100% funded by the Government of India.

Integrated Programme For Rice Development (IPRD)

SRPP and SFPP-Rice were merged on the recommendations of the Planning Commission and unified scheme “Integrated Programme for Rice Development (IPRD)” was implemented from 1990-91. 4 additional States namely Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Kerala and 1 Union Territory of Pondicherry were covered under the Scheme. Whereas the SRPP was implemented in the identified blocks and SFPP-Rice in the identified districts, the IPRD was implemented in all the districts of the States covered under the programme. The funding pattern under the scheme was modified to 75:25 to be shared between the Govt.of India and the concerned State Government.

From the year 1991-92, the scheme was further extended to 5 more additional States namely Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland. Thus, the scheme was implemented in 23 States namely Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh,Assam, Bihar, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Union Territory of Pondicherry.

The State Governments were provided the flexibility to choose the most suitable components out of the approved components under IPRD namely distribution of certified seeds, micro-nutrients (zinc sulphate), herbicides, pesticides, PP equipments, seed treating chemicals, farm implements, supply to power tiller to small and marginal farmers and allocate funds to each components keeping in view of the specific constraints to rice production in the State and overall limited to Rs. 57.44 lakh per district. Besides, field demonstrations and training programmes for farmers and farm labourers were also included under the scheme for effective transfer of crop production technology.


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