The following table shows details about the internet activities for six categories for different age groups. Write an analytical paragraph for the table given in around 150-200 words
This table shows the internet activities of 6 different age group.
In this table, get news activity is 76% in teens and slowly decreases at the end of the 70+. Secondly online games activity 81% and in 20s this activity becomes to 54 and slowly decrease to 32 at 70+. Downloads is also decrease from 52 to 6 at the end. Product research at the teens is 0 but slowly it will increase from 0 to 70.
Buying a product is at 43% at teens but it is increase in the middle. At the end it will decrease again and reach at 41 and the last, searching for a people is 5% at teens. It is also increased.
The following table shows the six categories for the different age groups and shows the interest of internet activities among teens to 70+.