the four difference between the population education and sex education
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Population education, including family life responsibility and some discrete sexual education, has been introduced for the 1st time in China to selected senior high school students in the 1981-82 academic year. The course covers units on Marxist population theory and the dynamics of population growth from a national and international perspective. Emphasis is placed on the interrelationship of China's 4 modernization programs and the basics of birth control. Particular emphasis is on the promotion of the 1-child family concept and the improvement of population quality through eugenic control. The new course is designed specifically for adolescents and is intended to lay the groundwork for acceptable social sexual behavior for senior high school students (16-17 years of age). The UN Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA) has contributed significantly during the past 2 years to the development of population studies and demographic research within China. It has assisted with research, computer studies, and personnel training for the 1982 census. It also has trained demographers and assisted in the establishment of new population institutes at 10 key universities in various parts of China. The UNFPA program for high schools has earmarked funds for the training of some 8000 teachers in a series of month long workshops, 10 day orientation courses for administrators, the development of modern audiovisual facilities, and reference materials for 10 teacher training institutes, the production of instructional materials for 10 key or pilot middle school programs, and the development of a revised middle school curriculum in such fields as biology, geography, hygiene, physiology, and political study. The new text book, "Population Education," explores openly the many familial problems which will confront China's children in the future. The text rigorously promotes the 1 child family concept as the social and national ideal. The book includes straightforward information on human sexual reproduction and contraceptive knowledge which was previously unavailable in such detail in other Chinese secondary text books. The section on birth control principles is factual and makes no attempt to moralize. The prevention of pregnancy is discussed without reference to marriage, although in China it is tacitly understood that sexual relations should be fostered only within the bonds of marriage. Another section of the book includes a section devoted to the significance of marriage. Another section of the book includes a section devoted to the significance of eugenics. The book is written from a contemporary demographic and political perspective.
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