Biology, asked by Akm6005570668, 6 months ago

The frequency of jumps of membrane lipids from one membrane layer to another is 81.5 MHz. Calculate the area occupied by one phospholipid molecule if the lateral diffusion coefficient is equal to 45 μm2 / s.​


Answered by sinchanakr80802



.Biological membranes are not rigid, static structures. On the contrary, lipids and many membrane proteins are constantly in lateral motion, a process called lateral diffusion. The rapid lateral movement of membrane proteins has been visualized by means of fluorescence microscopy through the use of the technique of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP; Figure 12.29). First, a cell-surface component is specifically labeled with a fluorescent chromophore. A small region of the cell surface (~3 μm2) is viewed through a fluorescence microscope. The fluorescent molecules in this region are then destroyed (bleached) by a very intense light pulse from a laser. The fluorescence of this region is subsequently monitored as a function of time by using a light level sufficiently low to prevent further bleaching. If the labeled component is mobile, bleached molecules leave and unbleached molecules enter the illuminated region, which results in an increase in the fluorescence intensity. The rate of recovery of fluorescence depends on the lateral mobility of the fluorescence-labeled component, which can be expressed in terms of a diffusion coefficient, D. The average distance s traversed in time t depends on D according to the expression

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