The given outlines have been used to write the story that follows :―
An old man has three sons______he was wealthy but worried that his sons would
splurge all his savings after his death________wanted to test them________gave a
silver coin to each_______told them to invest in a way that it would ensure a bright
future and fill a room_______and kept it in a store months to come_________the
eldest one Hari bought sacks of cotton wool and kept it in a store_________the
middle one Ram bought hay and kept it aside to feed the cattle for months to
comr_______the youngest son Sohan bought a candle and lit it in a room so that
its light could fill the entire room_________he also bought a book________believed that knowledge helps ignite minds__________the old man rewarded Sohan
who realised the value of knowledge and asked him to guide his brothers on the
right path.
Once lived an old man with his three sons. Though he had wealth he was worried about the future of his sons. To assure that his sons will splurge all his savings after his death or not, he took a test of his three sons. He gave a silver coin to each and told them to invest it in such a way that it would ensure bright future and fill the room. Among the three, the eldest son Hari bought sacks of cotton wool and stored it. The middle son Ram bought hay and kept it aside to feed the cattle for months. But the youngest Sohan did something different. He bought a candle and a book. He lit the candle so that it could light up the entire room. By watching the wisdom of his son, the old man understood and believed that knowledge ignites mind. The old man rewarded Sohan who realised the value of knowledge and asked him to teach his elder brothers in right path.