Biology, asked by palakjain0224, 7 days ago

The given picture shows yellow vein mosaic of bhindi (okra). Answer the following questions on the basis of your understanding and the studied related concepts. (a) Name the causative agent of this disease. (b) How does it spread from one plant to another?



Answered by vrwananya


The plant disease called yellow vein mosaic of bhindi is caused by a virus. The causative micro-organism of this plant disease is virus. It is transmitted through insects.


  • Yellow vein mosaic disease of Okra (Bhindi) is the commonest one of this vegetable in India and, most probably, is restricted to countries of South Asia. Kulkarni (1924) was the man who first reported this disease in our country and further studies were extended by Uppal et al. (1940).
  • Causal Agent of Yellow Vein Mosaic Disease:

Yellow vein mosaic disease of bhindi is caused by Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus (YVMV). Not much is known about this virus. The virus is, probably, small in size and spherical in shape but its morphology and ultra-structures are yet to be determined in detail.

Answered by yogeshpatil9004933


A. The Yellow Vein Mosaic of Bhindi is caused by Hibiscus virus 1 or yellow vein mosaic virus.

B. Cercospora is a fungal infection wherein spores are carried by the wind from infected plants to other plants. This growth is present on the undersides of the leaves in the form of yellowing and brown spots. As the disease progresses, the leaves become dry and brown.

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