English, asked by ashish160saha, 8 months ago

The given question is compulsory
The intended marks for parts of the question are given in brackets
Question 1
BASSANIO: [Reads] Sweet Bassanio, my ships have all miscarried, my creditors grow
cruel, my estate is very low, my bond to the Jew is forfeit; and since in paying it, it is
impossible I should live, all debts are cleared between you and I, if I might but see you at my
death. Notwithstanding, use your pleasure: if your love do not persuade you to come,
let not my letter
(i) Where is Bassanio? Why did he come there?
(ii) What is Bassanio reading? Who has brought it? What makes him read it aloud? [3]
(iii) What is the 'bond' all about? Why did the author of the letter sign the bond? [3]
(iv) Who confirmed that the Jew would surely execute the bond? How did the person
know about it?
(v) How does Bassanio describe the Nthor of the letter earlier in the scene
(vi) What did Bassanio confess earlier and to whom? What did that person instruct
him to do?​


Answered by aayansharma30
  1. Bassanio is at Portia's palace in Belmont. He has arrived there to pursue his adventure to woo Portia by trying his luck in lottery of caskets..
  2. Bassanio is reading a letter sent by Antonio. It was brought by a messenger. Portia's request to read louder made him do so.
  3. The bond is about Antonio to pay his debt with a pound of flesh if he fails to pay his debt on time to Shylock a wealthy Hebrew. Antonio was overconfident over return of his ships and this made him sign the bond.
  4. *no idea*
  5. Bassanio described Antonio earlier as a epitome of True Friendship. Bassanio had owed a lot on Antonio and taken many loans. Antonio always helped Bassanio no matter what.
  6. Bassanio earlier confessed to Portia that he loved her dearly and so to Antonio so He was bound to go to Venice to save Antonio from deadly clutches of Shylock. Portia asked him to marry her so that he will become legal owner to wealth of Portia. She further asked to pay twice or thrice the original amount i.e. 3000 ducats and save Antonio.

Hope it helps.....

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