The gobar gas plant is a simple apparatus used_turning animal wastes_ bio-gas plus nitrogen fertilizer. "Gobar' comes_ the Hindi word_ cow.
It mainly comprises of hydro-carbon which is combustible and can produce heat and energy when burnt. Bio-gas is produced through a bio-chemical process in which certain types of bacteria convert the biological wastes into useful bio-gas. Since the useful gas originates from biological process, it has been termed as bio-gas. Methane gas is the main constituent of biogas.
Biogas production process
The process of bio-gas production is anaerobic in nature and takes place in two stages. The two stages have been termed as acid formation stage and methane formation stage. In the acid formation stage, the bio-degradable complex organic compounds present in the waste materials are acted upon by a group of acid forming bacteria present in the dung. Since the organic acids are the main products in this stage, it is known as acid forming stage. In the second stage, groups of methanogenic bacteria act upon the organic acids to produce methane gas.
Raw materials for biogas production
Although, cattle dung has been recognized as the chief raw material for bio-gas plants, other materials like night-soil, poultry litter and agricultural wastes can also be used.
Advantages of biogas production
It is a eco-friendly fuel.
The required raw materials for biogas production are available abundantly in villages.
It not only produces biogas, but also gives us nutrient rich slurry that can be used for crop production.
It prevents the health hazards of smoke in poorly ventilated rural households that use dung cake and fire-wood for cooking.
It helps to keep the environment clean, as there would be no open heap of dung or other waste materials that attract flies, insects and infections
Availability of biogas would reduce the use of firewood and hence trees could be saved.
The gobar gas plant is a simple apparatus used_turning animal wastes_ bio-gas plus nitrogen fertilizer. "Gobar' comes_ the Hindi word_ cow.
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