English, asked by shivaniyadav5171, 1 year ago

The Gold Frame By RK Laxman main idea of the story


Answered by yaya78


In The Gold Frame by R.K. Laxman we have the theme of deception, dishonesty, independence, responsibility and fear. Narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator the reader realises after reading the story that Laxman may be exploring the theme of deception. Datta having destroyed the customer’s photograph begins to hatch a plan together in whereby he attempts to use another photograph to fool the customer. Not only is Datta being deceptive but he is being dishonest too and not taking full responsibility for his actions. The reader left feeling as though Datta fears the consequences should he tell the customer the truth about what has happened to his photograph. This may be significant as Laxman may be suggesting that the power to lie is overwhelming for Datta. Rather than owning up and taking responsibility for his actions Datta decides to lie to the customer. Which places him in an unfavourable light with the reader who may have previously had some sympathy for Datta due to his working conditions and the fact that he appears to be a hard worker. Though it might be important to bear in mind that Datta is aware that some customers do not return for their pictures even after Datta has framed them.

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