The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance ,it is the illusion of knowledge
It is also said in the Gita.
"There is no knowledgeable sense of holy month"
That is, there is nothing more in knowledge than in the holy world.
It is not a bad thing to be ignorant, it does not compel a human to live life, although ignorance can not bring change in the human life, can not get better employment opportunities, can not provide daily happiness to his family.
An ignorant man can also become knowledgeable, but there is a curiosity to earn knowledge in it. Therefore, enemy of knowledge is not ignorance.
All of us had read a story in childhood.
In which a man was returning home after acquiring knowledge. On the way there was a river, she started crossing the river by boat. From the sailor he asked questions based on books. The sailor could not tell, she sighed the sailor as a fool, and after some time a very strong storm came, the man did not swim, so he was drowned. But the sailor was a skilled swimmer, because of which he was saved.
It was not an ignorant sailor here but it was a man who understood himself as a great man. Half - Incomplete men are similar to the man of this story. They think themselves of others as high as ever, they hate others.
" An empty vessel makes the most noise "
The full pot does not bud anymore, but when the hole is full it starts to spill.
A person with some knowledge has the illusion of having knowledge. His mind only serves to be cruel to others, envy, hate, etc. They do not have the curiosity of learning.
He tries to split and split in the house of others.
So it is fair to say that,
The greatest sensation of knowledge is ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge.
Answer :-
In fact, knowledge means not only by studying thick books, but knowledge is that which by which man manages his happiness-sadness, work - anger, greed-attachment, idleness, efficiency in his daily life. Humans do not fear anyone, they fearlessly use their knowledge to make life accessible and simple.
It is also said in the Gita.
"There is no knowledgeable sense of holy month"
That is, there is nothing more in knowledge than in the holy world.
It is not a bad thing to be ignorant, it does not compel a human to live life, although ignorance can not bring change in the human life, can not get better employment opportunities, can not provide daily happiness to his family.
An ignorant man can also become knowledgeable, but there is a curiosity to earn knowledge in it. Therefore, enemy of knowledge is not ignorance.
All of us had read a story in childhood.
In which a man was returning home after acquiring knowledge. On the way there was a river, she started crossing the river by boat. From the sailor he asked questions based on books. The sailor could not tell, she sighed the sailor as a fool, and after some time a very strong storm came, the man did not swim, so he was drowned. But the sailor was a skilled swimmer, because of which he was saved.
It was not an ignorant sailor here but it was a man who understood himself as a great man. Half - Incomplete men are similar to the man of this story. They think themselves of others as high as ever, they hate others.
" An empty vessel makes the most noise "
The full pot does not bud anymore, but when the hole is full it starts to spill.
A person with some knowledge has the illusion of having knowledge. His mind only serves to be cruel to others, envy, hate, etc. They do not have the curiosity of learning.
He tries to split and split in the house of others.
So it is fair to say that,
The greatest sensation of knowledge is ignorance, but the illusion of knowledge.