Social Sciences, asked by ramamalathi4848, 10 months ago

the Greenwich time at 10 am longitude is 108 degree west in the time​


Answered by SnowyPríncess


What is Local time ? Estimate the time at the following longitudes assuming the Greenwich mean time as 10am.</p><p>i) 45o East longitude</p><p>ii) 30o West longitude </p><p></p><p>}

When the sun is vertically overhead, it is noon. The time estimated at each place, based on the apex position of the sun, is termed as the local time.</p><p>i) 1am</p><p>ii) 8am</p><p></p><p>}

Answered by Anonymous


When the sun is vertically overhead, it is noon. The time estimated at each place, based on the apex position of the sun, is termed as the local time.

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