Biology, asked by isafdez2005, 1 year ago

The grid-table indicates the level of impact that each of the 5 drivers of biome and ecosystem degradation have had over the last century. The arrows indicate the current trend of each driver on the particular ecosystems. According to this grid-table, which driver currently seems to be the most under control and what have humans done to help control the impact it has on the Earth's ecosystems?
A) Invasive Species; Restrictions have been set at the borders to control the the amount of non-native animals and plants that are introduced to stable ecosystems.
B) Over-exploitation; Laws are in place to aid in the conservation of the natural resources which include the licensing of wild game hunting and fishing along with the creation of national parks to protect vital ecosystems.
C) Climate change; Advancement in hybrid and electrical automobile manufacturing along with the increase use of clean nuclear energy. Both reduce the amount of green-house gases that are being released into the surrounding environment.
D) Pollution (nitrogen and phosphorus); Techniques are being used to reduce the amount of run-off that occurs in agriculture during the growing and non-growing seasons. This run-off can contain excessive amount of nitrogen from the fertilizers used on the crops.


Answered by rajeshbhardwaj667

Climate change has affected the global distribution of vegetation from the distant past and will likely affect it into the future. On the other hand, changes in the distribution and structure of the vegetation may influence climate

Main direct drivers of change in biodiversity and ecosystems (CWG)

The cell color indicates impact of each driver on biodiversity in each type of ecosystem over the past 50–100 years. High impact means that over the last century the particular driver has significantly altered biodiversity in that biome; low impact indicates that it has had little influence on biodiversity in the biome. The arrows indicate the trend in the driver. Horizontal arrows indicate a continuation of the current level of impact; diagonal and vertical arrows indicate progressively increasing trends in impact.

Answered by shailendrachoubay456

Option (C) is Right Answer


 (C) Climate change Advancement in hybrid and electrical automobile manufacturing along with the increase use of clean nuclear energy. Both reduce the amount of green-house gases that are being released into the surrounding environment

  • Climatic is a important ecological effect on environments.
  • Changing atmosphere influences biological systems in an assortment of ways For example, warming may drive species to move to higher latitude or higher elevations where temperatures are increasingly helpful for their survival
  • Environmental change is predicted to influence warmwater species legitimately, through water temperature increments and changes in water quantity and timing, and in a roundabout way, through expanded water withdrawal during dry seasons and changing distribution of invasive species and pathogens, among different mechanism

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