The growing rate of crime among the youth today is a matter of great concern. It
ranges from kidnapping, extortion and even murder. The once sensitive, caring, loving
and compassionate young man immortalized by Ruskin Bond and R.K. Narayan is
today a character confined to books alone. The new world has turned him into a
criminal with no moral sense or ethical responsibility. The young are selfish in their
thoughts, action and existence. They are like parasites; thriving on extravagant
consumption of illegal material. And when this becomes an addiction, all means of
self - control, morals and ethics take a beating at individual and social spheres. There
can be various reasons as to why the youth are going wrong. Increasing competition
leads to stress and cutthroat competitions. Stress related problems like suicides are on
the rise. The rush to succeed takes them astray.
Nuclear families have made youth selfish, self – centred and intolerant. The gap
between the rich and poor has led to frustration in the lower classes. Media popularises
criminals like Harshad Mehta, who shot to quick fame and fortune. This allures the
youth. Above all the snags in the Indian legal system, corruption at all levels and loss
of values have worsened the . Answer these questions briefly: 5
a) What is the tendency among the youth today?
b) Who was the ideal man for writers like Ruskin Bond and R.K. Narayan?
c) Why do the young go wrong these days?
d) What do you mean by nuclear families?
e) How does the media misguide the youth?
B. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the passage: 1.5
a) The police knows how to deal with a _______.
b) Only good deed can earn you lasting ________.
C. Find the words in the passage which are same in meaning as: 1.5
a) Excessive and unnecessary
b) A large amount of money
1. Tendancy among youth is such that they are drawn towards committing crimes.
2. A young man
3. The young are selfish in their thoughts, action and existence. They are like parasites; thriving on extravagant consumption of illegal material. And when this becomes an addiction, all means of self - control, morals and ethics take a beating at individual and social spheres. There
can be various reasons as to why the youth are going wrong.
4. Nuclear family is one of a kind where an individual lives alone. A child is given a room, isolated from his parents where he develops so much negativity and criminal mind.
5. Media puts a news in such a way that the truth disappears. one who reads or hears it, brainwashes himself or herself.
B. 1. criminal
2. quick fame and fortune
C. 1. parasity
2. extravagant