Biology, asked by Ruthie93, 9 months ago

The growth
of drought-resistant crop
plants could lead to an increase
in food supply. Describe how
drought-resistant crop plants
can be produced.

(will vote you for BRAINLIEST answer)
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Answered by Mraduljaiswal2005


Crop production is one the world’s largest consumers of fresh water, a supply under threat by a growing world population and increased urbanisation. Crops that require less water could be hugely beneficial in semi-arid parts of the world, where crop failures can be disastrous for local populations.

Drought-resistant plants share a mechanism known as crassulacean acid metabolism, or CAM, which allows them to survive despite low levels of water.

Answered by SelieVisa


This is the answer to your question on Streptococcus. I cannot find the option to give answer. So here it is.

1. Keep the patient in a separate room and use gloves and surgical masks.

2. Do not let anyone come in contact with the sputum, cough, sneeze, urine, and any secretion of the patient.

Answer on drought resistant crops...

Drought resistant crops are produced by genetic engineering. The genetic engineers isolate the gene of other natural drought resistant plants and this is inserted into the crop to make it drought resistant.

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