English, asked by alanalbino2008, 10 months ago

“ The hardest challenge brought out the best in me


Answered by khansuggi


My biggest challenge as a student was being the student! Sitting through the conventional lectures was sometimes difficult. My mind and body were always going, and I couldn't wait to get out of my seat, move around, share my thoughts, and interact with my peers. I handled it by focusing all my energy into my listening and note-taking. It helped keep my mind busy and my body moving, and I also left with some great notes.

During my freshman year is when I faced my biggest challenge as a student. I had never lived away from home before, and I experienced severe homesickness. I was almost defeated by it, and had the opportunity to go home and attend a local college instead. But I decided to try to overcome my homesickness, which I did by making a real effort to connect socially with new friends in my classes, my dorm, and a campus church group.

Acquiring successful time management skills was the biggest challenge I faced as a student. It was an aspect to college life that I underestimated the significance of. Now that I am in the workforce, I continue to use the skills I gained, and I am always trying to improve on them as well.

One of my biggest challenges my first year in college was the volume of work. It was a big change from high school, and standards were also much higher! I tackled this in a few different ways: I looked for opportunities to start or join study groups, met with my professors for advice on where to focus my attention, and set up a structured schedule to make sure I was putting in the required time studying. This resulted in my maintaining a 3.8 GPA, even though I was also working a part-time job to help pay for tuition.

Answered by erajireddy6

The Hardest Challenge Brought Out The Best In All Of Us

As all of you know the entire world is in the clutches of Covid 19 pandemic. It has caused a health catastrophe all across the world. Millions of people are in its evil grip; and lakhs of people have died.

All of us are under lockdown. This period is full of sadness, grief, unease and depressing situation. People are without jobs; there is no prospect of situation getting better, millions of people are unemployed. Everyone has been affected by these challenging times.

However, this challenging and trying times have brought along many blessings for all of us. It has brought about the best in all of us. We have improved ourselves in many ways:

Change in Awareness

Before the Covid 19 pandemic crisis, we lived on an ordinary level of awareness. Surrounded by the fears of this pandemic, we have become more watchful, aware, and cautious. We have started taking care of our health more than we ever did. We wash our hands more frequently and thoroughly; we don't forget to wear mask when we go out. We ensure maintaining social distancing and taking all other measures to stay safe.

Better Performers

This change in awareness has made us better performers. We have exerted optimum pressure on our faculties and abilities, which has made us more efficient. One of the many new things we have mastered is handling information technology. Confined within the four walls of our homes, we had to learn to use technology. For example, we had to adapt ourselves to attend our classes online. We had to install various new softwares and applications, which we would never have tried if we were living under normal life circumstances.

More Responsible

This Covid 19 pandemic crisis has made us more responsible towards life, natural resources, and environment. We have realized that if we don't take care of life, life won't take care of us.

More Spiritual

This Covid 19 pandemic crisis has made us more spiritual and aware of our transitory existence. During this challenging time we have nurtured our spiritual side to connect to your higher self to find the inner strength to deal with this crisis.

So, the hardest challenge of Covid 19 crisis has brought about the best in all of us.

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