the haryanka dynasty arose in
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Haryanka Dynasty
Pradyota became king of Avanti ending the Brhadratha Dynasty and commencing the Haryanka Dynasty of Magadha. The Haryanka king Bimbsara was responsible for expanding the boundries of his kingdom through matrimonial alliances and conquest. Bimbsara was the contemporary to Buddha. Bimbsara was imprisoned and killed by his successor, Ajatasatu, under whos rule, the dynasty reached its largest extent. Ajatasattu's son Udayabhadra succeeded Ajatasattu and ruled for the next sixteen years. He moved his capital to the bank of Ganges which was known as Pataliputra. The succession was followed by Udayabhadra's son Anuruddha and his son Munda in the same family tradition by slaying the father. Munda's son Nagadasaka slew his father and continued reigning through this dynasty. The citizens angered by the rule of Haryankas, revolted against Nagadasaka and anointed Shishunaga as the king.