The HCF of 72 and 81 and 99 is
The question is we have to find the HCF of 72 , 81 and 99.
We have to factorize the each number separately and find the prime factors.
so that we can find the HCF of the three numbers.
The factorisation of each number is
The prime factors of 72 is 2*2*2*3*3.
The prime factors of 81 is 3*3*3*3.
The prime factors of 99 is 3*3*11.
there are 2 3's in 72,81 and 99.
HCF stands for Highest Common Factor.
The highest common here is only 3 which occurs in 72,81 and 99.
so taking common factor we get HCF of these numbers.
Therefore, the hcf is 3*3=9.bcoz 2 3's occurs in each number.
The HCF of the numbers 72, 81 and 99 is 9.
Step-by-step explanation:
HCF (Highest Common factor): The greatest or largest number that divides the each of the two or more numbers is known as the highest common factor.
Step 1 of 1
Consider the numbers as follows:
72, 81 and 99
The factorisation of the number 72 is,
The factorisation of the number 81 is,
The factorisation of the number 99 is,
Observe that the number is the highest common divisor of the numbers 72, 81 and 99.
Therefore, the HCF of the numbers 72, 81 and 99 is 9.