English, asked by atsarode, 1 year ago

the heart can see the things that eyes cannot see - essay


Answered by Anonymous
heya !!

-->the heart can see the things
that eyes cannot see :

It is undoubtly true that the heart sees what is invisible to the eye. It is imperative to know in the context that heart here refers to mind. Human mind is said to have almost infinite faculties such as imagination, intuition, creativity, innovation, etc. Eyes in themselves can’t see unless supported by mind. It is always the mind that sees through the eyes. For example, in some cases it has been seen that while sleeping some individuals sleep with their eyes open or partial open; still they don’t see. Interestingly, the mind during sleep is seeing such wondrous visions that are almost impossible to be seen during the state of being awake.


All the great inventions, discoveries; all the great books written on all subjects; all new findings, new theories; all the medicines, chemicals, etc. all conceived in the human heart. Man sees the vision of his accomplishments in his heart first before he brings it into the real world. All the high-tech, sophisticated machines, computers, rockets, satellites, vehicles, smart-phones, skyscrapers, ships, airplanes, trains, bullet trains, supersonic jets, etc. all of them were first seen by man in their hearts first before they became tangible realities.


Wright Brothers saw the airplane flying in their heart before they actually started working on the actual prototype. Addison saw the bulb lighting in his heart before he could make a bulb actually light up. Abraham Lincoln saw the possibility of abolition of slavery in his heart first before he actually accomplishes the Emancipation Proclamation. Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi saw the freedom movement in his heart before he actually launched the Indian Freedom Movement against the British.


These supernal powers lie latent in every heart waiting to be activated through striving, focus, concentration, and perseverance. All great personalities became great by tapping the immense powers of the heart. We see it working in our day-to-day life in our mothers, grandmothers or anyone who loves us truly; often when we are upset or troubled on account of anything, our mothers or grandmothers find out our trouble without our sharing the trouble with them. They use their hearts to see the hidden hurt or pain of their beloved ones.


Similarly, we too can use this immense power of our heart to see those things that are hidden to us! it may be any success that we want to achieve. Or it may be some hidden knowledge; or it might be the spiritual enlightenment that we might be pursuing, we can bring it to surface using the divine eye lying closed in our hearts.    


i hope it helps u !!☺☺

Anonymous: Thanks for your help and support! But unfortunately I can't approve :(
Anonymous: its fyn ....☺
BrainlyKid: osm answer my sistah!!
Anonymous: thnks deariie☺
Answered by TheRuhanikaDhawan

sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eyes


In this generation humans are literally heartless , we get to find very less people who really help each other and people just see the external beauty of humans and decide on them like how they are  people do not remember the popular quote ''Do not judge a book by its outer cover'' that is what people do in this generation , they just define people by their outer appearance but our eyes cannot see the inner them .

Heart can see what is invisible to the eyes , if we have a true heart we can understand the feelings of other living beings but through eyes we cannot it makes us feel proud that we are happiest of all on earth but heart melts when when others are in pain and we will really feel like helping them .

Love , care , affection , sympathy etc are the values experienced by our heart and not by our eyes and eyes can just see things and whatever we see may not be always true , people will be good from outside and will be very bad from inside , from outside  we can see them as a very good human but we cannot see their inner soul like how bad it can be and if we can understand him/her properly we can come to know everything about them .

Humanity lies in heart , as humans are really heartless in this generation there is no scope for humanity , we can find very less people having humanity in them these days people keep abusing other who are lower to them in terms of money etc and moreover poor are abused a lot rather than helping them to come up in their life it can be done only by those people who have a really kind heart because our eyes will just say they are poor by their outer appearance , it my not be true because they may be very rich in home and may be leading a very simple life outside. But there are people who are really poor and people and people who lack heart and just judge people by their appearance, way of living will abuse them and will not let them come up in their life

Feelings can be felt only by our heart and cannot be seen through our eyes our friendship will last long only if we like that person from our heart and if we just like a person by their external behavior , appearance , the friendship will not last for long and we cannot even feel friendship.some people say god exists and some people do not believe in god , some people who believe in god will say that god will be inside everyone's heart and we cannot see them through our eyes.

If we have humanity in us , if we really have a good heart in us we should stop deciding on people just by their look etc we should treat everyone as equals as all are equal and there is nothing less in anyone , if we see people from our hearts we can see that they have everything but not to that extent that everyone have, nature will treat everyone as equal and we are living with the help of nature and nature is our home , it provides everything , just like nature we should help the needy people as after death everyone will go in the mud , be it they are rich or poor it will be the same for all .

No will will be rich by their birth , they will get it from their parents or by their hard work and while leaving this place also we will not take anything therefore we need to help and love everyone without feeling proud and with a real and true heart we should help people and our eyes will make differences and will not let us work for the needy and make everyone to have enough money and all the basic thing in life we need to make our eyes see the same thing what our heart sees only then this world can be a better place.

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