CBSE BOARD XII, asked by sahanaparamathama, 2 months ago

the high court exercises original jurisdiction in several kinds of cases including probate , matrimonial and contempt of court ( true/false)​


Answered by lisal7821631

Answer: true

Original jurisdiction constitutes the power to adjudicate disputes between the union government and one or more states or between two or more states (Article 131) and enforce fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution by issuing directions or writs such as habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari (Article 32).

Answered by karthik2206

Original jurisdiction constitutes the power to adjudicate disputes between the union government and one or more states or between two or more states (Article 131) and enforce fundamental rights guaranteed under the Constitution by issuing directions or writs such as habeas corpus, mandamus, prohibition, quo warranto and certiorari (Article 32).

Every High Court has original jurisdiction in revenue matters (Article 225) as well as those relating to admiralty, matrimony, probate, contempt of court and election petitions.

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