Science, asked by aditikataria2007, 5 months ago

The History of Vaccination Mary Montagu was a beautiful woman. She
survived anattack of smallpox in 1715 but she was left covered with
scars. While living in Turkey in 1717, she observed a method
calledinoculation that was commonly used there. This treatmentinvolved
scratching a weak type of smallpox virus into theskin of healthy young
people who then became sick, but inmost cases only with a mild form of
the disease. Mary Montagu was so convinced of the safety of
theseinoculations that she allowed her son and daughter to
beinoculated.In 1796. Edward Jenner used inoculations of a related
disease,cowpox, to produce antibodies against smallpox. Comparedwith
the inoculation of smallpox, this treatment had less sideeffects and the
treated person could not infect others. Thetreatment became known as
vaccination. Q21 What kinds of diseases can people be vaccinated
A] A. Inherited diseases like haemophilia.
O B] Diseases that are caused by viruses, like polio.
C) Diseases from the malfunctioning of the body, like diabetes
O DJ Any sort of disease that has no cure.​


Answered by chirantanbanerjee070


A. Colour blindness

B. Acute flaccid myelitis

C. Jaundice

D. Cancer or Aids

Hope this answer will help you.

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