English, asked by derekmandu, 6 hours ago

The Hobbit Quote

Need to find a quote about Bilbo's journey in the Hobbit, and how Bilbo through an adventure realised that there's much more to life than just home. Quote must contain technique (eg. dialogue, symbolism, metaphor, etc.). Also need explanation of the quote to justify how it satisfies it


Answered by Chirru12345


pls mark me brainliest


the narrator introduces Bilbo through the environment in which he grew up: Hobbiton—more specifically, The Hill—a place of safety, comfort, and sameness. These characteristics frame how Bilbo defines his life, and at the story’s start, he has no interest in ever stepping outside that frame. Timid as Bilbo seems, his disinterest in glory serves as one of the key qualities that eventually make him a true hero.

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