English, asked by mannatmunshi, 3 days ago

The hour is an invention of the Western civilisation, and it dictates an entire way of life. The hour tells man when to start work and when to quit, when to sleep and when to rise. Man once ate whenever he was hungry, but today mealtimes are fixed to an hour. Today, the hours are such regulators of life that it is hard to think of a day without them. Yet, the hour only gained importance in the 14 century, when European towns mounted mechanical clocks that chimed out the time twenty-four times a day. Prior to that, the time had been divided lea accurately into sections called tides, such as morning tide, noontide and eventide. But these proved only rough estimates of the time. As exact as hours make time, not every society uses them in the same way. In the United States, for example, the office day generally occuples the hours between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. In Spain, office workers report at about 9 a.m.. but take a four hour break starting at 1 p.m. for lunch and siesta, then return to work at 5 p.m., only to leave at il pm. Spaniards eat a light supper around 11 p.m., when most of the Americans are falling asleep

summarize this passage in 50 to 80 words​


Answered by ange62


  1. Her stressful work is telling upon her health for good forever She left New Delhi for good. Draw lines to match the expressions with their meanings. 1 with open arms (a) not in working conditio 2 out of order (b) briefly 3. a red-letter day (c) to make efforts 4 in a nutshell (d) a memorable day 5. to take pains (c) with a warm welcome 6 building castles in the air (0) to stop trying 7 to give up (s) day dreaming in vogue (h) at the last moment 9 at the eleventh hour (1) in fashion 10. bring out 0) to reveal clearly Fill in the blanks with suitable idioms given below. Make the necessary ch a red-letrer day once ma blue moon D

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