English, asked by vansh20047, 1 year ago

the house
Do intentions justify actions ? Would you, like Horace Danby, do something
your ends justified the means? Do you think that there are situations in the
to act less than honestly?
something wrong if you though
s in which it is excusable


Answered by upenderjoshi28


Intentions can’t ever justify actions. If intentions were to justify actions, the entire world would be thrown into a chaotic state. I would never ever, like Horace do actions and justify to suit them according to my needs. There might be situations in which we might act less than honestly, but the purpose of these actions must be to do good to others.  

Similar answer can be read on the given link: https://brainly.in/question/11378972

Answered by Anonymous

Hi friend,

Here is your answer

Yes, intentions do justify actions. Sometimes, it happens that a wrong is committed while the intention was honest and fair. In such cases, the courts of justice do count the intentions of the doer.

In this case, Horace’s intention when he entered the house was to commit a theft. Hence, no court would condone his actions. However, when he opened the safe without his gloves and handed over all the jewels to the young lady in red, his intention was honest and fair. And this can’t be ignored and justice must be done accordingly. However, it is not excusable if one acts less than honestly.

At least, Horace Danby should be punished because he made an illegal entry in the absence of the owner of the house.

Hope this helps.

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