English, asked by ashirsoomro123, 2 months ago

The human race is spread all over the world, from the polar regions to the tropics.
The people of which it is made up, eat different kinds of food, partly according to the climate
in which they live, and partly according to the kind of food which their country produces. Thus,
in India, the people live chiefly on different kinds of grain, eggs, milk, or sometimes fish and
meat. In Europe the people eat more flesh and less grain. In the Arctic regions,
where no grain
and fruits are produced, the Eskimo and other races
live almost entirely on flesh, especially fat.
The men of one race are able to.eat the food of another race, if they are brought into the
country inhabited
by the latter ; but as a rule they still prefer their own food, at least for a time owing to custom.
In hot climates, flesh and fat are not much needed; but in the Arctic regions they seem to be very necessary for
keeping up the heat of the body. 72
The kind of food eaten also depends very often on custom or habit, and sometimes upon religion. Brahmins
will not touch meat; Mohammedans and Jews will not touch the flesh of pigs. Most races would refuse to eat the
flesh of many unclean animals, although, quite possibly, such flesh may really be quite wholesome. 54
All races of mankind have their own different ideas on this matter. Thus the English used to laugh at the
French because the latter ate frogs' legs and some kind of snails; the Australians dislike rabbits although the
English eat them; and the Burmese eat the flesh of crocodiles and elephants.
Neverthless there are many reasons for these likes and dislikes. Thus, swine in eastern countries are very !
dirty feeders, whereas in Europe they are kept on clean food. The result is that their flesh is eaten in Europe but
not in India. Men dislike eating the flesh of all draught animals. Hence the Englishman will not eat horse-flesh, and
the Hindu will not touch the flesh of cattle.
in to cou they ate human flesh—though this


Answered by aiswarya1155

They ate human flesh?! Who are they? I've only known of human sacrifice in ancient times but not of people eating humans!

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