Science, asked by hardik2455, 1 month ago

The hydrogen molecule, H 2 , has the frequency of oscillations ω = 8 . 2 × 10 14 s − 1 . The reduced mass, which determines the relative displacement of hydrogen atoms, is m = 0 . 84 × 10 − 27 kg, which is half of the mass of a hydrogen atom. Using the model of a harmonic oscillator, estimate the characteristic displacement, z 0 , during vibrations of this molecule.​


Answered by vibhathakur51234678


Examples of plantation crops are tea, coffee, rubber, sugar cane and banana.Examples of plantation crops are tea, coffee, rubber, sugar cane and banana.Examples of plantation crops are tea, coffee, rubber, sugar cane and banana.

Answered by GooseBumps123



— k = 2Deβ2 = 2. (. 7.31 × 10. −19 J/molecule. ) (. 1.81 × 1010 1 m. )2. ×. (. Nm ... k. µ. )1/2. The reduced mass µ from the masses of 127I m 127I.

A simple harmonic oscillator is a particle or system that undergoes harmonic motion ... which depends on the mass m of the oscillator and on the force constant k of the ... The lowest energy that a classical oscillator may have is zero, which ... Because the chlorine atom is 35 times more massive than the hydrogen atom, the ...Calculate the wavelength of a photon needed to excite a ... neighbouring energy levels of a harmonic oscillator of effective mass ... atom (15.9949mu) and force constant 544 N m ... To describe diatomic, need reduced mass ... The wavefunction for the 2s orbital of a hydrogen atom is N(2 − r/a0)e...we obtain the determining equation for the distance r0: − e2 ... S. ) . (8). If the temperature is too low to allow the population of the vibrational levels,. i. e. f ... refraction n = 1.333 with the molecular mass M = 18.015 g/mole and the density ... (2). If the hydrogen peroxide molecule, H−O−O−H, is projected onto the plane.

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