The IEEE Standard 754 representation of a floating point number is given as: 11000010100011010100000000000000. Determine the binary value represented by this number. EV 8 b) A cache system is to be designed to store data from a 256 MB memory space. If each block of main memory contains 16 words, determine the number of blocks that are needed and draw the logical organization of the full address identifying the block ID portion and the word (offset) portion. AP 7 c) You have been contrated to design a memory system for a computer. Assuming the processor has 24 address lines, determine the number of 16 KB memories that can be placed (without overlapping) in the memory space of a processor.
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The IEEE Standard 754 representation of a floating point number is given as: 11000010100011010100000000000000. Determine the binary value represented by this number. EV 8 b) A cache system is to be designed to store data from a 256 MB memory space. If each block of main memory contains 16 words, determine the number of blocks that are needed and draw the logical organization of the full address identifying the
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