The impact of advertisement on our culture
Culture is one of the significant aspects which is changed by seeing advertisement. Be for being of this part, it is essential to know what culture means that the way of life which includes beliefs, aesthetics and institutions of a civilization. This definition shows that culture is more effected by advertising, because images used in advertising are often idealized, they eventually set the standard which we in turn feel we must live up to.
firstable, The essential goal of advertising is to convince the consumer that he or she would have a better life if he/she used this advertised product. Of course they also tell us the only way we can reach the level of beauty, intelligence, or some other value is through the use of their product. For example, with the “Give your hair a Boost!” ad, it is obviously counting on the woman with gorgeous hair who fills up the entire ad and is used to make you wonder if your hair is good enough. (“Fruit Kicks”) The text in the ad is minimal and that which is there is very weak in arguing for this product’s superiority. The advertiser’s main hope is when you go to buy personal hygiene products, you will remember the beauty of the woman and the healthiness of her hair. (“Fruit Kicks”) They are confident their target audience will transfer feelings they get from this woman’s appearance toward the product and will end up purchasing it.