Business Studies, asked by rajawaseemkiani9206, 1 year ago

The impact of human resource management practices on organisation commitment


Answered by luckynagar
Abstract In te present era of globalzation, business organiznsons are faong emerging chatenges in tom of cquton, baancng, mantaning and optmizaton ofhumanesuroe of an organiza ton. presoul vale and scarce canabites human resources are consdered a snurce of sustaineble nd hehly compe11e cvantage in rganizton The of an organize5on dpendo upon elements and faptors but the maat mportant factr and denent tat affects be organizton performance employee and employers relatondhip uman resoarces ay an rele ataining an ineovatve and high-quality produe sevice Thi paper attempt propore cosceptul framewvotk of fve hum an iesources masaoement (RM) pracsce tke upervioon job taning and pey a1sfacton, novet sboenteesm and to expiaine vaabies Perfamances appraisal is an important tools ealuate the job performance of a worker A Job performanoe producsvity meanc employee perfamance relates to tie producion and pmductvity of company tat you have deared to get in Job performances are signifcanty wit the job Job performances and Abpenteeam and timower Job satafacton is played an importinf iole emplayees tuDover abaerteesm because it would Sead employee resigned pre-etred the aganize3on when job sa1stacton leve lon The outcomes of HRM practce postvely and corelaed wit job sststacton Job satsfaction retains the prenent employees and atacts te ocepelent employees testiela to highe HRM practce and nb satsfacton are negatvey corela ted producty and oeganiza long-term performancea Cn hand Abpente and Howevet regults of HRM perfomanoes and job are atong predctorn of Aboen and snose Keywords Human HR Practce Performence Absenteesm and Tumover Training and
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