Biology, asked by bmalik7327, 9 days ago

The impact of risky behaviour on my personal expectations in relation to the career i want to follow which is a doctor


Answered by deshna94


Depends on what the risky behavior is. I work in a very old and lethargic industry, were everyone tends to know everyone else (very small world) and that expects everyone is married and has kids by the time they are 30. It’s also tends to be very conservative and religious, which I am definitely not religious. I am also gay and that just doesn’t fly in my industry and especially not at my level.

What happens if clients/exec mgmt I work with find out? Most will simply stop doing business with you or significantly decrease the amount of business they do with you. Companies will generally make your life a living hell until you quit. Do I hide in the closet? No, but my personal life and professional life stay very separated and I don’t disclose the information unless someone asks me directly if I am gay. I don’t work in an office so I don’t have a lot of non-work discussions with co-workers. Since I’m not married telling someone you are still single, mid 30s and like to “play the field” vs settling down, usually ends the conversation since they are normally married with kids and there is a disconnect.


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