The implication of Prebisch-Singer Hypothesis is:
a) Raw materials and labour intensive goods are exported by the developing countries
b) That because the price elasticity of demand for primary goods is relatively inelastic,
it is pointless for developing countries to seek to export these.
c) That because the income elasticity of demand for primary goods is inelastic, over
time there will be a decline in primary commodity prices and therefore the incomes
derived from primary goods.
d) Trade will always be mutually beneficial between a developed and a developing
country as long as they both seek to exploit their comparative advantages.
Jaikumar finds some mistake in his return of income submitted on 5th June, 2019 for
the assessment year 2019-20. He wants to revise such return. No assessment has been
done by the department. He can revise such return till;
(A) 31 March 2020;
31" July,2020;
(C) 31 March 2021;
(D)31" July,2021:
Jaikumar finds some mistake in his return of income submitted on 5th June, 2019 for
the assessment year 2019-20. He wants to revise such return. No assessment has been
done by the department. He can revise such return till;
(A) 31 March 2020;
31" July,2020;
(C) 31 March 2021;
(D)31" July,2021:
the price of primary commodities declines relative to the price of manufactured goods over the long term, which causes the terms of trade of primary-product-based economies to deteriorate.