The importance of women in family essay in 100word class 8
We look at women and their roles in the last fifty years and realise
that depending
On our culture or how we were moulded as children, women can have many
different roles. The most common for women is attending to men, the
house and bearing their children, this role is called the housewife.
We have always been expected to be weaker and maternal, some women
have shown that they can be stronger than men by taking on their roles
as well as their own but sometimes not by choice for example: single
parenting, poverty (where no work for men and women work the streets
etc), illness and even maybe religion.
Since equal rights and opportunities came into force, more couples are
both working, more mums have help to go back to work, men are doing
their fair share of the house work and also couples are making equal
decisions. Women by now were also able to use contraception to prevent
having a high quantity of children, which gave them a bit more
Since 1970 families have become more equal and privatised, it wasn't a
big change for men as from 1950 families started to slowly progress
towards being symmetrical.
There are many benefits when families become more equal, it can take
pressure off one another due to sharing roles and even if the wife
takes up a part time or full time work this can help them financially.
Role of women in the family and society. Women are the key to sustainable development and quality of the life in the family. The varieties of role the wife,leder,administrator,manager of family income and last but not least important the the respect women