"The infant Weimer Republic was being made to pay for the sins of the Old Empire." Elaborate
Answer:In Section I, you will read about the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution,and the rise of Nazism. In different ways all these events were important in themaking of the modern world.Chapter I is on the French Revolution. Today we often take the ideas of liberty,freedom and equality for granted. But we need to remind ourselves that these ideasalso have a history. By looking at the French Revolution you will read a small partof that history. The French Revolution led to the end of monarchy in France. Asociety based on privileges gave way to a new system of governance. The Declarationsof the Rights of Man during the revolution, announced the coming of a new time.The idea that all individuals had rights and could claim equality became part of anew language of politics. These notions of equality and freedom emerged as the centralideas of a new age; but in different countries they were reinterpreted and rethoughtin many different ways. The anti-colonial movements in India and China, Africa andSouth-America, produced ideas that were innovative and original, but they spoke ina language that gained currency only from the late eighteenth centuryExplanation: