The input hexadecimal representation of 1110 is ____
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According to hexadecimal number system 1110 is equal to 15 .
Here 111 is represented by E in alphabets.
Hope this helps you
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The Hexadecimal representation of binary number 1110 is 14 or E in Hexadecimal language.
- First of all we need to recall the formulae of converting binary to hexadecimal.
- First step is to divide the binary number into groups of 4.
- For the second step the binary values of each hexadecimal number should be remembered.
- Third step is to identify the hexadecimal value of that binary number.
(Binary) 1110 ⇒ (Hexadecimal) E/14
For the second step you can also remember this table-
Binary ⇒ Hexadecimal
0000 ⇒ 0
0001 ⇒ 1
0010 ⇒ 2
0011 ⇒ 3
0100 ⇒ 4
0101 ⇒ 5
0110 ⇒ 6
0111 ⇒ 7
1000 ⇒ 8
1001 ⇒ 9
1010 ⇒ A
1011 ⇒ B
1100 ⇒ C
1101 ⇒ D
1110 ⇒ E
1111 ⇒ F
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