Biology, asked by krishnavenigone123, 9 months ago

The intermediate area between rural settlement and urban settlement is called ____________​


Answered by ashwandyafromaruba12


semi urban area


Answered by chandraleka783

Answer :

Difference between rural and urban settlements  :

Population size: there is a wide discrepancy of views over the minimum size of population required to enable settlement to be termed a town for example in Denmark, a town is considered to be 250 people, in Ireland 500, in France 2000, in the USA 2500, in Spain 10,000 and in Japan 30, 000. In India where villages are larger than British towns, a figure of less than 25% engaged in agriculture is considered to be the dividing point.

Economic: rural settlements have traditionally been defined as places where most of the workforce are farmers or are engaged in other primary activities (mining and forestry). In contrast, most of the work forces in urban areas are employed in secondary and service industries. However, many rural areas have now become commuters/dormitory settlements for people working in adjacent urban areas or even more recently, a location for smaller footloose industries such as high-tech industries.

Services : the provision of services such as schools, hospitals, shops, public transport and banks is usually limited at times in rural areas but in abundant in the urban areas, however, settlements are often packed closely together and within towns there is a greater mixture of land use with residential, industrial, services and open space provision.

Social: rural settlement especially those in more remote areas tend to have more inhabitants in the over 65years-age group, whereas the highest proportion in urban areas lies within the economically active age group or those under secondary school age. It has become increasingly more difficult to differentiate between villages and towns especially where urban areas have spread outwards into the rural fringe. It is therefore more realistic to talk about a transition zone from strongly rural to urban.

Land use: In rural areas, settlements are widely spaced with open land between adjacent village and within each village; there may be individual farmers as well as residential areas and if possible small-scale industry.

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