"The intervention of the state in the religious and social practices of a particular religion may be aimed at eradicating social evils". Explain the above statement with the help of two examples?
. Summary and Introduction
Egyptian Law and International Law...
Shari`a and Egypt's Plural Legal System...
Religious Conversion..
II. Recommendations
To the government of Egypt
III. Religious and National Identity in Egypt
Identity Documents and Religion..
"Recognized" Religions and Public Order
Conversion from Islam and Public Order
Freedom of Religion, Shari`a, and Public Order
The Computerization Deadline..
IV. Egypt's Baha'is and the Policy of Erasure
V. Conversion and Freedom of Religion
VI. No Return: Official Obstacles to Re-converting to Christianity
VII. In the Name of the Father: Involuntary "Conversions"
VIII. Freedom of Religion and Human Rights Law..
International Standards
Freedom of Religion and Egyptian Law...
About This Report
Appendix: Human Rights Watch Letters to the Egyptian Minister of Interior on National ID Cards